For the General Public

CERN is publicly funded by its 23 Member States and Associate Member States. Find out below about how this investment creates a positive impact on society.

Success stories

Nicknamed TRACI, for "Transportable Refrigeration Apparatus for CO2 Investigation", is a compact CO2 cooling system.

VESPER stands for Very energetic Electron facility for Space Planetary Exploration missions in harsh Radiative environments. It is a high-energy electron beamline for radiation testing, part of the CTF3 (Compact Linear Collider Test Facility) experimental linear electron accelerator at CERN.

White Rabbit is a protocol developed at CERN for monitoring and controlling devices based on industrial networking technology, made available as open hardware and open source software.
The Medipix collaboration technology is finding its way into the cultural heritage field, where its used for art restoration and imaging.

Media Gallery

Recent Media Coverage of CERN's Knowledge Transfer Activities.

The Director General of CERN Fabiola Gianotti talks about the fight against the pandemic | La 7

(Italy / Italian) The Director General of CERN Fabiola Gianotti talks about the fight against the...

Physicists design simplified ventilator | University of Massachusetts Amherst

(English) Physicists in Italy, Canada and U.S. design simplified ventilator adaptable to local...

CERN Creating 'Stripped-down' Ventilator for COVID-19 Patients | Newsweek

(United States / English) Known as the High Energy Ventilator, or HEV, the device could be used to...

Antimatter Physicists Designed a Ventilator for Coronavirus Patients | VICE

(English) Particle physicists at the Large Hadron Collider are joining the fight against Covid-19...

CERN physics lab developing basic COVID-19 ventilator |

(English) Physics experts are working at Europe's CERN lab to create a basic ventilator for mild...

High-energy particle physicists figured out video conferencing a long time ago | QUARTZ

(English) Since the mid-2000s, the physicists at CERN have used a videoconferencing platform they...

NovPower and PlanetWatch: Two new companies integrated in the InnoGex incubator | Le Pays Gessien

(France / French) Les deux nouvelles entreprises disposeront de locaux dans l’incubateur InnoGex, au...

3-D colour X-ray will revolutionise medical treatment |

(New Zealand / English) Phil and Anthony Butler, father and son and both former CERNies, have...

Physics drives ongoing developments in proton therapy |Physics World

(English) The ProBE (Proton Boosting Extension for imaging and therapy) linac – a joint project...