EIROforum Science-Business WISSAB - 21-22 September 2015

When: 21-22 September 2015
Where: Advanced Training Center (ATC), EMBL Heidelberg,
Meyerhofstrasse 1, 69117 Heidelberg, Germany
Registration deadline: September 1, 2015
Official workshop website: http://www.eiroforum-wissab.eu/
EMBL, in the frame and with the support of the EIROforum, hosts and together with CERN, ESRF and ILL co-organizes the first EIROforum Science-Business Workshop on Instrumentation and Services for Structure Analysis in Biology (WISSAB). The aim of the event is to build bridges and partnerships between EIROforum members, industry and SME’s in the challenging, multidisciplinary and strategic area relating to the visualization of biological structures at different scales; from proteins via X-ray radiation to cells and tissues using light microscopy. The conference brings together leading experts from the scientific community, instrumentation and pharma/biotech industries with cutting edge applications that illustrate how structure analysis aids our understanding of biological processes. The workshop will focus on methods that are able to capture the structure(s) of biological molecules and systems ranging from molecular resolution to imaging of cells.
The event addresses the following topics:
- Visualizing biological structures at different scales: from X-ray radiation to light microscopy
- Challenges in bridging scales in structure analysis and visualization
- Applications: Molecular Biology, structure based drug development, quality control
- New business models for interactions between industry & EIROforum members
Who should attend?
- Developers & System Providers in instrumentation for structure resolution & imaging
- Pharmaceutical & Biotechnology Industry
- EIROforum Instrumentation developers & Core Facility managers
- EC representatives
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