Development of a SiPM based detector module to be used in commercial versions of ClearPEM machines as well as for other PET applications

This work is being performed in collaboration with three external institutes from Belgium, Portugal and Italy, all of them members of the Crystal Clear Collaboration. During 2014, simulation work was performed to evaluate the light-sharing performance. A test set-up was built to test different matrices and the light-sharing configurations. First modules of 64 crystals with dimensions 1.5 x 1.5 x 15 mm3 coupled to a 4 x 4 array of multi-pixel photon counters with 3 x 3 mm2 sensitive area were produced and characterized and the position identification of the 64 crystals was achieved. The next step will be to optimize the reconstruction method of the crystal position and investigate methods to extract the information about the depth of interaction by reading out on one end of the crystals.