For the General Public

CERN is publicly funded by its 23 Member States and Associate Member States. Find out below about how this investment creates a positive impact on society.

Success stories

VZLUSAT-1 is a technological nanosatellite for in-orbit demonstration of new technologies and products.
In 2020, Zenodo, the open-data repository developed by CERN with co-funding from the European Commission, was upgraded with additional storage and a dedicated community for COVID-19 research.
The CernVM File System was developed to assist high-energy physics collaborations to deploy software on the worldwide-distributed computing infrastructure used to run data processing applications.
PlanetWatch, a CERN spin-off, aims to provide a solution to generate, validate, analyse and record air quality data. Their environmental sensor uses the CERN technology C2MON.
The European Synchotron Radiation Facility (ESRF) aquires Power Converters to power their magnets
CERN developed a new multiple memory system (MMS), which solves this problem and increseses the reliability of a programmable system located in harsh environments.
Terabee SAS, a start-up supported by the French BIC Innogex, developed the proximity-sensing device Proximeter, based on CERN’s miniIoT (Internet of Things) technology.
The CERN Robotics Software is used to manage autonomous movement, which allows a modular robotics platform to perform sophisticated tasks.
In 2018, the start-up SAFETYN SaS joined InnoGEX, the French BIC of CERN technologies.

Media Gallery

Recent Media Coverage of CERN's Knowledge Transfer Activities.

Li Ka-shing Foundation supports MBI color medical scanner | hk.on

(Hong Kong / Cantonese) With the support of the Li Ka-shing Foundation, Hong Kong can realize the...

New 3D colour X-rays made possible with CERN technology | Mirage News

(Australia / English) MARS Bioimaging have released stunning new images made using a world-first...

For the first time, an AI [tested at CERN] processes data from orbit | ICTjournal

(Switzerland / French) Embarquée dans le micro-satellite PhiSat-1, Intel Movidius Myriad 2 Vision...

Proud of Accent Inkubator Joining the Network as Certified EU|BIC |

(Belgium / English) A ‘tough tech business incubator’ and spin-off expert for academic R&D, defining...

CERN artwork authentication technology wins ArtTech award |

(Switzerland / French) The public chose InsightArt for the ArtTech Foundation's CHF 20,000 prize.

Revolution in Healthcare: How robotics, virtual reality and artificial intelligence are improving the profession | Bilan

(Switzerland / English) Bilan, in partnership with BioAlps, publishes every two years the Technology...

CERN is developing an accelerator for cancer treatment | RTRS

(Russia / Russian) Европска организација за нуклеарна истраживања (ЦЕРН) довршила је први модул...

CERN's COVID-19 Testimonial | BioAlps

(Switzerland / English) The following article is part of BioAlps’ testimonial series and was written...

Particle accelerators and fight against cancer: FLASH radiotherapy | Le Scienze

(Italy / Italian) Il CERN di Ginevra e l'Ospedale universitario di Losanna hanno progettato un nuovo...