Field of Expertise: Radiation and Hadron therapy
CERN Technologies
The ActiWiz software aims to hide the complexity of chemical composition of materials (activation of material) by reducing the problem to the definition of a few input parameters via a graphical user interface.
C2MON is a modular Java framework for fast building, highly available, large-scale industrial monitoring and control solutions.
CERN Control and Monitoring Framewo...
A toolkit for simulating the passage of particles through matter.
The GEMPix detector is a device able to detect all types of radiation with a high spatial resolution.
A novel very compact radio-frequency quadrupole (RFQ) linear accelerator.
High Frequency Compact Linear Proto...
Funded Projects
Success Stories
During 2016, the construction of the 750 MHz Radio-Frequency Quadrupole (RFQ) was successfully completed.
In September 2020, CERN and the Lausanne University Hospital (CHUV) announced their collaboration on an innovative facility that will use CLIC (Compact Linear Collider) accelerator technology.
CERN patented Gas Electron Multiplier updated for use in hadron therapy and radiotherapy.
2019 saw the official launch of the Next Ion Medical Machine Study (NIMMS), an umbrella R&D programme for – both existing and new – CERN accelerator technologies linked to heavy-ion therapy.
The National Center for Oncological Hadrontherapy (CNAO) in Pavia, Italy, is a facility offering advanced therapy to fight cancer and one of only five centres in the world treating with both protons and carbon ions.
In 2020, CERN signed three new agreements with CNAO, the National Center for Oncological Hadrontherapy (Italy) and with EBG-MedAustron, the company responsible for the construction and operation of MedAustron cancer treatment and research centre (Austria).
In 2016, there were eleven requests for FLUKA licences. Mainly from companies performing shielding studies, but also from some in the field of safety, inspection and auditing that requested the technology, as well as companies working in radio-protection related to dismantling activated industrial facilities.
FLUKA is a particle transport and interaction simulation code, originally developed by CERN and INFN for particle physics, which finds applications in a wide range of other domains including medical.
The expertise of the CERN specialists continues to be an important source of knowledge for the work of the MedAustron experts.
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